Share a Project

Share Project

Only registered DayNight users can be invited to projects.

The project sharing feature allows you to collaborate and share projects with other DayNight users. Follow the steps below to share a project:

Select a project

Open the app and select a project that you want to share with other users

Open project settings

Tap on the More button (represented by three dots) located at the top-right corner of the screen, and select Share project.

Invite Users

To invite new users to the project, tap on the "Add" button within the popup window. A dialog or form will appear where you can enter the email addresses of the user you wish to invite.

Invitation Confirmation

The invited users will receive an email notification with your project invitation. The email will contain an invitation link that allows them to accept or deny the invitation.

For project owners

  • The owner of the project can see whether the user accepted or denied the invitation.
  • The project owner have the ability to manage shared users. From the same Shared Project popup window, the owner can remove users by swiping right on their email address. This allows you to control who has access to the project.

For invited users

When the invited users receive the email, they will be prompted to accept or deny the invitation.

  • If accepted, the project will be added to the invited user's account, and they can start collaborating on it.
  • If denied, the invited user can choose not to participate in the shared project.
  • Invited users can choose to leave the project at any time by following these steps:

Open the project

Open the project that the user wants leave

Leave the project

Open the project settings by tapping on the More button (three dots) located at the top-right corner of the screen. Select the "Leave Team" button to leave the project.